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Three in the morning, the Pancake House
Four in the morning, we’ll be rolling to my house
Five in the morning, the lights go out
Six in the morning, you can hear her start to shout
Seven in the morning, she’ll be calling a cab, calling a cab…
Eight in the morning, talking ‚bout the fun she had
Nine in the morning, she just getting home
Talking about the overnight scenario, Scenario … ♫♪♫♫♪♪

Rare Essence ist eine der dienstältesten (1976) Go-Go-Bands, einem Sub-Genre des Funk. In ihrem fast einstündigen Tiny Desk Concert gibt es die volle Ladung Funk, HipHop, Blues und Soul.
Set List
♪“Down For My Niggas“
♪“Rock This Party“
♪“Freaky Deak“
♪“One On One“
♪“Bad Bad“
♪“Lock It“
♪“Overnight Scenario“

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