„Lakutshon‘ ilanga“ which means „When the sun sets“ in isiXhosa is an old song originally performed by the late Miriam Makeba and The Manhattan Brothers.
It is known and beloved by South Africans because many relate to its lyrics very much. During the Apartheid era, freedom fighters would get arrested by the government and many would later be found in prisons, hospitals or mortuaries. Some would never be found by their loved ones again. „Lakutshon‘ ilanga“ narrates a story of someone searching for their loved one who has gone missing.
She promises that she will be thinking of him with every sunset, and she will search everywhere and everyday even when the sun sets, until she finds him.
Thabilé is accompanied by Jens Loh on the double bass and Christoph Neuhaus on the guitar.
Please enjoy the song.
~ Thabilé 💋 ~