
Die Flying Mojito Bros haben einen neuen Remix am Start:

A whole album remixed into one track… We became the mountain 🏔️


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Der Titel stammt aus dem gleichnamigen neuen Album des Songwriters Jeffrey Silverstein aus Portland (Oregon), das einen wundervollen meditativen und ambienten Sound im Spannungsfeld von Indie-Folk, Electronic und Psychedelic bietet.

Erinnert mich teilweise an The KLFs „Last Train to Trancentral“ „Chill Out“ und teilweise an die Soloalben von Daniel Lanois. Ich mag das sehr!

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100% proceeds go to the official BLM campaign, please donate generously, Trump’s about gone but it’s never been more important to give (if you can).
Flying Mojito Bros


„Have hope. I feel a change. We know black lives matter. My heart goes out to all our black families affected, so that’s all the black families through American history. I feel like we are turning a corner. All together, all colors on the street. We know our mission is the right one for America and for mankind.
My black brothers and sisters have suffered long enough. White Supremacy is over but it will not die young. It will linger, but make no mistake. It is going to go and it’s already going. Whether you think Barack Obama’s white brother can handle this situation or not, he will most likely be our new leader, bringing compassion and empathy back to the Whitehouse. May the Great Spirit be with you Joe Biden.
On the streets today, we smell and see the smoke and fire of autocracy as it extinguishes itself before our eyes. It will burn for a while and be scary and ugly, as is its source, but I have hope and I feel it in my bones. This is not the American Way. We have a great future before us, not an easy one, a great one“.
– Neil Young, June 2020