Zaena und Jason Maek feiern im #TikTok Video das 30jährige Jubiläum der Kult-Show ‘The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air’:

In celebration of the 30th anniversary of the cult-classic show ‘Fresh Prince of Bel-Air’, Chicago hip-hop duo Zaena x Jason Maek travel back in time for their new music video “TIkTok”. The self-directed adaptation features cameos from Danielle Cohn, Joey Klaasen, and 18 of your favorite TikTok stars with a combined reach of over 100 million followers.
20 of the top TikTok stars with a combined 100M+ followers make cameos, making the music video the largest collaboration between creators from the platform. While the high-energy, up-tempo, flex anthem features unexpected drops, the music video highlights moments from the original show, including The Fresh Prince spinning on the throne, shooting some b-ball outside the school, and being chased by his grandmother.
The video highlights moments from the original show, including The Fresh Prince spinning on the throne, shooting some b-ball outside the school, and being chased by his grandmother. The 2 ½ -minute-long project is the largest collaboration between TikTok content creators. Appearances include Danielle Cohn, Joey Klaasen, Jiffpom, Enochtrue, Jasmine Gonzalez, Jake Maldonado, Ryan Shakes, Zayla Shakes, Tyler Brown, Justin Blake, Adam Sheey, Oliver Moy, Marcus Olin, Beasteater, Ayypatrick, Nicki Baber, Alex Holem, Damian K, and Harlem Globetrotter Crissa Ace.



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