
Diana Ross – Photocredit: Ross Naess

Der Release des brandneuen DIANA ROSS Longplayers „Thank You“ fällt zusammen mit der Veröffentlichung des Videos ‚All Is Well‘.

DIANA ROSS selbst über die Entstehung des Videos zu ‚All Is Well‘:

“My sons gave me the confidence and encouragement to make this video. After spending almost two years not performing and not being in front of the camera, they supported me in easing back into being around lots of people. These three people really took care of me: Evan Ross (producer), Amanda Demme (director), Ross Naess (photography), and so many others. I am filled with appreciation for the work that they all did to make this happenhis collection of songs is my gift to you with appreciation and love. I am eternally grateful that I had the opportunity to record this glorious music at this time”. Sie erzählt auch darüber, wie ihr die Arbeit am Album über die schwierige, letzte Zeit hinweg geholfen hat: “I spent the past year recording new music and this music is a reflection of the joy and the love and the gratitude that I feel every day. It’s an album of great appreciation for life, and for all of you.” Und weiter: “For me there was an urgency in making a meaningful album, working with what is happening now in our world. Through the power of music we are creating a new kind of conversation that supports our choices and the decisions that we make.”



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Die 77jährige DIANA ROSS nahm „Thank You” während der Pandemie bei sich zu Hause im Studio auf.
Das Album ist eine musikalische Botschaft für Liebe und Zusammenhalt:

“I dedicate this songbook of love to all of you, the listeners.
As you hear my voice you hear my heart.
‘Let Love Lead the Way’.”


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