1 Intro by Mutabaruka
2 De System by Mutabaruka
3 De Children Future by Benjamin Zephaniah
4 Di Anfinished Revalueshan by Linton Kwesi Johnson
5 Black ‚N‘ White by Michael Smith
6 Long Time by Michael Smith
7 Di Great Insohreckshan by Linton Kwesi Johnson
8 Witeman Country by Mutabaruka
9 Wat A Situashan by Oku Onuora
10 I Love Me Mudder by Benjamin Zephaniah
11 Thirteen Dead by Benjamin Zephaniah
12 Say by Mutabaruka
13 Dis Policeman Keeps On Kicking Me To Death by Benjamin Zephaniah
14 Give Me Little Dub Music by Michael Smith
15 Di Black Petty Booshwah [12″ version] by Linton Kwesi Johnson
16 Echo by Oku Onuora
17 Nellie Belly Swelly by Lillian Allen
18 Aid Travels With A Bomb by Jean „Binta“ Breeze
19 Birth Poem by Lillian Allen
20 Jamaican Proverb by Yasus Afari & Dub Syndicate
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