

Alphabet st. (This is not music, this is a trip)
Get off (damn near 10 min original version)
F.U.N.K. (unreleased)
Sticky like glue
Boyfriend (demo)
Purple medley


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Die gefeierte kenianische Sängerin, Rapperin und Trommlerin Muthoni Drummer Queen hat gerade ihre neue Single mit dem Titel ‚Suzie Noma‘  veröffentlicht, die dritte Auskopplung aus ihrem für März 2018 erwarteten Album „SHE“.

Muthoni sagt über den Inhalt des Songs:

Suzie Noma is a celebration of female friendship and empowerment of women all over Africa. It’s about building something with your girls for yourselves and for future generations. It’s about us women building our financial security together and manifesting big dreams!”

Die Single wird von einem Tanzvideo begleitet, in der man Muthoni Drummer Queens Schweizer Tanz-Crew sehen kann:

I really want everyone to listen to the song as they dance to it. I really want everyone to catch the uplifting vibes that we put into the track and to joyfully celebrate themselves and the women in their life.”



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