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When Production began on Diverse 3
# little did i know that world events would shape each track as i was writing the songs during lockdown
# But it was the death of George Floyd that compelled me the most to write a Document of our times joined in the written word with music with Irvine Welsh and Stuart Cosgrove to create more than music but a message of how we were all feeling at this new great Re set of the planet forced upon us
# I looked back to my hero’s Marvin Gaye / Curtis Mayfield / Gil Scott Heron and truly felt the hands on my shoulder saying keep on keeping on Son
# Be Brave write what you see around this world we all live in
# But it was Malcolm X which inspired me the most to put down my pen and paper and Get out there and Join the protests and become part of it and stand up and speak up and protect my Community while others stayed silent
# that day in Edinburgh with Cynthia Gentle and Geoff Palmer plus many others on that day 7000 stood strong to say NO TO HATE
# is the day i rushed home to write and capture that emotion and later get the film edits to make a short video of History of this city i love Edinburgh standing in unity with the rest of planet in true unity and love in a battle against
# evil / fear / hate #
Joseph Malik




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