
Promomixtape von Dominik Eulberg zu seinem letzte Woche erschienenen Album „Avichrom“, dass die überbordende Vielfalt der Farben im Gefieder der Vögeln feiert.

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Nach den 3 Single-Veröffentlichungen ‚Rotmilan‘, ‚Schwarzhalstaucher‘ und ‚Braunkehlchen‘ ist jetzt das neue Dominik Eulberg Album „Avichrom“ erschienen.

„Avichrom“ bedeutet soviel wie „Vogelfarben“.
Denn Eulberg widmet sich diesmal den Farben im Gefieder von Vögeln, von deren überbordenden Vielfalt es elf in die deutschen Namen heimischer Vogelarten geschafft haben, von Grünfink, Goldregenpfeifer über Blaumeise bis hin zu Purpurreiher und Schwarzhalstaucher. Sie dienen ihm als Führer auf seiner musikalischen Expedition in die Ornithologie.

Das Ergebnis ist ein buntes, lebensbejahendes, weltzugewandtes Electronica-Album, welches uns mitnimmt auf eine lange Reise, bei der man nicht viel redet, sondern sich berühren lässt von dem was einem begegnet:

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1.0 Ras Bigga intro Rastafari
2.0 Round Four Feat. Tikiman – \“Found A Way\“ [full lenght]
3.0 Rhauder feat. Paul St. Hilaire – Sidechain (dub version)B1 [ORN023]
4.0 Mind Over Midi feat. Tikiman – Champion
5.0 Rhauder feat Paul St Hilaire – Sidechain (pop-a-dub version) [ORN023] B2
6.0 Beat Pharmacy – Don’t Bodda Me Feat Paul St Hilaire
7.0 Rhythm & Sound – Spend some time ( /w tikiman )
8.0 Rhauder Feat Paul St Hilaire – No News (Rhauder’s Dub)
9.0 Rhauder & Paul St. Hilaire – No News (Assemblage Mix)
10.0 Rhythm & Sound – Music a fe rule part 1 ( /w tikiman )
11.0 Beat Pharmacy Nuclear Race
12.0 Martinez feat. Paul St Hilaire – Grandma (Vocal + Version)
13.0 Rhythm & Sound – Never Tell You (Version)
14.0 Rhythm & Sound Free for All (with Paul St. Hilaire)
15.0 Deadbeat And Paul St Hilaire – Yesterdays Dreams
16.0 Deadbeat – Rock Of Creation ( feat. Paul St. Hilaire )
17.0 Deadbeat and Paul St. Hilaire Working Everyday
18.0 Rhythm & Sound w Walda Gabriel – Boss Man (Tiki’s Pure Blue Remix)
19.0 Mind Over Midi – Revelation
20.0 René Löwe – Faith (No Vox Mix)
21.0 Rastafari Elders Dialogue

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Paul St. Hilaire is a reggae vocalist from the island of Dominica in the Caribbean. He collaborated with Rhythm & Sound (Moritz von Oswald & Mark Ernestus) who produced a series of legendary releases featuring his vocals on their label Burial Mix, releases that have inspired a generation of listeners. He had numerous guest appearances on electronic releases by Stereotype, Deadbeat, Beat Pharmacy & Modeselektor. Paul’s dub-poetry has always had an elemental power about it – a power that has often been best realised when it is played off the synthetic tones of dub techno. These long tracks unfold slowly, their hunting drumbeats tethered in delay and ground-shaking sub-bass lines. St. Hilaire hovers at the centre of all of this, his vocals tumbling down as if out of the sky. Over 21 tunes are gathered here. Deep tracks drawn out of the singular fusion of roots reggae and dub with elements of experimental techno that have become the characteristic of the Berlin aesthetic. The tones of the artist’s Caribbean home island Dominica softens the urban edge. The unique voice of Paul St. Hilaire talks to us about the up and downs of our private lives and our all-encompassing involvement in world politics. This music opens up a window to the reggae of tomorrow. A window without borders & boundaries, a window where anything is possible…