
Der Songwriter, Multiinstrumentalist und renommierte DJ Jim Baron aka JIM hat eine Remix-Version seines Debütalbums „Love Makes Magic“ veröffentlicht. Nice!

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Die Indie-Folk-Newcomerin Kendall Lujan aus Portland hat sich im Laufe ihres Schaffens die schönsten Nuancen von Folk, Jazz, Indierock und Bossanova herausgepickt und verbindet diese in ihrer eigenen Musik.

Heute veröffentlicht sie mit ‚Goodbyes‘ die Album-Vorabsingle aus ihrem für Herbst angekündigten neuen Album „Lucky Penny“.

„The song explores mourning and loss of important people in your world. In the sense of ending romantic relationships, it explores the process of knowing when someone isn’t suited for your life or growth any longer. “I wrote this song to remind myself that even though things are hard you will meet those people who stick around eventually.” Even though people come and go in your world, remembering that there will be lots of cries and laughs on your journey to finding those people who see you for who you are. The main hook stating: ‘it takes a lot of goodbyes to get to forever.’“
Kendall Lujan über Goodbyes



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Im September diesen Jahres kommt Kendall Lujan erstmalig in Bandbesetzung auf große Europa-Tournee:




‚This is a song about being around. Being in touch. A “Stone’s Throw” away from the friends who need you. “I want to be HERE, before I GO” ~ as in, while we’re here, we’d better be around. This song represents a desire to patiently grow with your friends and family and the people in your life.‘



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