Dieser Klassiker feiert gerade ein kleines Comeback im Netz, und so habe ich dieses Video bei iHeartBerlin.de gefunden. Der 2009 in Berlin lebende lettische Student Sergej Hein hat damals eine originelle Idee gehabt, und diese mit „Berlin Block Tetris“ sehenswert umgesetzt:
An animation I made for Uni. Everything is made in After Effects without Plugins.
The idea is based on a kind of parody of the former Socialist building style. They used to build whole cities where each house was designed identically to create cheap housing for workers. These ‘blocks’ were so similar that in Soviet times, you could easily wake up at a friends place in another city and still feel like you are in your flat. Even the furniture was the same.
Block Tetris kam man übrigens hier nachspielen :) : www.mylostgames.com/play/block_tetris
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