Das Pariser Sextett L’Impératrice veröffentlicht das Video zur neuen Single ‚Danza Marilù‘ aus ihrem kommenden Album „Pulsar“ (07. Juni 2024).
„It was a very pleasant experience to create this music video with the Remembers teams, I was very well surrounded.
It’s quite funny that this clip comes now for me because lately I’ve been visiting my grandmother a lot who broke her femoral neck and I wondered at what point in life it changed, that day when It becomes pleasant and sweet to visit your grandparents.
It’s surprising that this moment coexists with me doing this Danza Marilù clip and the moment when my relationship with elderly people evolves.
I really had a sort of realization that my grandmother was someone very precious and someone I loved to visit, and I feel a little stupid for not having seen more of her.
I think this clip is a bit of an ode to not forgetting grandparents, not confining them to nursing homes and the old days.
I really laughed with my 93-year-old grandmother last time, she’s in her right mind, she hasn’t lost it at all. She may even have won.“
– Regisseur Arthur Sevestre über das Video