At a time when our forests are disappearing, ecosystems are collapsing, and self-interested corporations are determining the well-being of the planet and its people, more than ever we need to harness our power to create change through personal transformation and collective action.
Aisha Badru



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Knelt down by the water
She told me I am the soil’s daughter
And although I look just like my father
My roots they extend much farther
But we don’t respect each other
Although we depend on one another
And if we don’t form a band of brothers
Our strength will remain uncovered


We are the echoes of those before us
And all our stories they form a chorus
Our stage is the earth below us
But we destroy it till she can’t hold us
So let us travel into the forest
To see without it then there is no us
Become protectors of the waters
‘Cause they will nourish our daughters




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