Die Playing For Change Musiker performen den Bobby Mc Ferrin Klassiker “Don’t Worry Be Happy” zusammen mit Kindern aus der ganzen Welt und machen aus diesem totgenudelten Song etwas ganz Eigenes:
This video is part of our partnership with Okaidi, a children’s clothing line based in France. We are very excited to announce that the Playing For Change Foundation is working with Okaidi to launch a music program across 10 primary schools in the Mirpur District of Dhaka, Bangladesh. The Okaidi Foundation recently created these schools and is now partnering with the PFC Foundation to introduce music as part of their curriculum. Through this new initiative, over 500 underprivileged children between the ages of 6 and 12 will receive free music education as part of their weekly activities at school. Music is the Key!
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