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#waterislife #villaviva #waterisahumanright #vivaconagua



Crosby Bolani‘s new single Villa Viva is an hommage to the Villa Viva Guesthouse in South Africa.
It’s a song about freedom, human rights and great minds, that are willing to take a stand to bring things to a change.
And that’s also what Villa Viva stands for – a place of Togetherness.
Crosby Bolani is a multi-talented artist and producer, whose songs are based on social commentary.
His lyrics are honest and authentic, challenging and questioning.
He speaks about the daily struggle of poor people in the ghettos, about nature and it’s destruction, his livity as a Rastafarian, and his knowledge of African culture and history.
Viva con Agua


J.Lamotta hat ein cooles neues Video am Start:


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לעשות טוב (Do Good) is a personal conversation with myself, looking at the past year, which was a game-changing period in my life. Cancellations were arriving one after the other; I’ve heard many thoughts and opinions from others, which brought me to the conclusion that I should listen to my inner voice and wish myself the best. We live in a world where people always have something to say, so I stopped asking for advice and started looking for inspiration inside me, and ended up laughing at the big plans I had.
– J.Lamotta




Sa-Roc by @baeth

Mit der Deluxe Edition von „The Sharecropper’s Daughter“ erweitert US-Rapperin Sa-Roc ihr umjubeltes Rhymesayers-Debüt aus dem Oktober 2020 um sechs neue Songs. Neben ihrem kompromisslosen Lyricism um Rassismuserfahrungen, Feminismus und Achtsamkeit, sowie Produktionen von Sol Messiah und Evidence, weiß das Update von „The Sharecropper’s Daughter“ ebenfalls mit einem der letzten Rap-Parts von MF DOOM aufzutrumpfen.

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Die neue Videosingle ‚Wild Seeds‘ ist eine südstaatliche Neo-Boom-Bap-Verneigung vor der Schönheit, dem Anmut und den generationsübergreifenden Erfahrungen Schwarzer Frauen, die im Schatten der US-amerikanischen Geschichtsschreibung bisher verborgen blieben. Neben der titelgebenden Referenz an den Roman „Wilde Saat“ der afroamerikanischen Science-Fiction-Autorin Octavia Butler wird um ein Vocalsample von Outkasts „Rosa Parks“ wichtigen Figuren Schwarzer Geschichte wie Queen Nanny, Harriet Tubman oder Sojourner Truth gehuldigt:

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