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Born in Gevelsberg, Westphalia, on February 17, 1942, Klaus Weiss taught himself to play drums and began his professional career at the age of 16 as a member of the Jazzopators, a group which accompanied American trumpeter Nelson Williams and also singer Inez Cavanaugh.
His musical associates have included Benny Bailey, Cecil Bridgewater, Don Byas, Philip Catherine, Eddie „Lockjaw“ Davis, Jerry Dodgion, Klaus Doldinger, Kenny Drew, Booker Ervin, Wilton Gaynair, Herb Geller, Dusko Goykovic, Johnny Griffin, Friedrich Gulda, Slide Hampton, Billy Harper, Hampton Hawes, Clifford Jordan, Herbie Mann, Howard McGhee, Don Menza, Tete Montoliu, George Mraz, Sal Nistico, Walter Norris …
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