Part 2 of a my tribute to a lot of artists, musicians & vocalists that sadly passed away last year.
Like I already mentioned in write-up for the previous installment, I made these sequences for an opportunity that didn’t pan out and did these before in the form of radio shows over the last decade with the brother @philhorneman, but those shows aren’t no more and I feel a lot of these artists still deserve their sun, even in death.
Of some artists, I didn’t even know myself they transitioned last year, while I did have some records by them, and knew their music.
So I won’t let it just pass by completely unnoticed., as a lot of the stuff we like to listen or dance to is niche stuff, after all.
So here’s to them, with the most respect. R.I.P. 🙏🏽✨❤️
– El Rey
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