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Lukas explains,

“I grew up in a neighborhood where, if you had something you shared it. The place is called Christiania. It’s an old army base that got squatted in 1971. The community operates from the concept that nobody owns their house and that you can do what you want, as long as you don’t inhibit others from doing what they want. For all the upsides to living in Christiania, there was also trouble with the police, or issues with gangs in the city. I’ve tried to embody all of that in this song, and when I listen to it I’m reminded of some of the ways our community has really come together, like all the great parties we’ve thrown, or the huge protests where we’ve marched against the government threatening to evict us from Christiania. In these troubling times, I guess it is more important than ever to share what we have, especially your love.”




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