Die Tradition der Weihnachtssongs ist lang und nicht nur von schönen Produktionen geprägt. Eine Ausnahme stellt definitiv die speziellen Version von NINE ANGELS CHOIR des Hamburger Projekts Nathan Johnston & The Angels of Libra dar. Ganz Im Stile ihrer musikalischen Soulhelden verfolgen sie konsequent auch mit dieser Version ihren Weg.

„After we had recorded the song, we decided to do some overdubs, starting with the Librettes singing backing vocals and then our drummer, Lucas Kochbeck played some sleigh bells on top. One night, when our producer showed the results of our efforts to his neighbour while listening over tea in his kitchen, they said it felt like a Christmas song and we should rewrite the lyrics and release it in December. So, taking the advice, myself and Dennis sat down and reworked the song – adding a few new touches and also re-recording a new live filmed session with the band in his studios in Hamburg. The song is still very much a love song – but also (with tongue & cheek) takes a new approach to say that Christmas wouldn’t be as special without having the ones we love around us. And ultimately, thats what Christmas is all about.“
– Nathan Johnston über die Entstehung der Christmas Version



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