Rund einen Monat bevor die kanadische Band Busty and the Bass den Schmelztiegelsound ihres Debütalbums „Uncommon Good“  live in Berlin und Köln präsentieren wird, erscheint mit dem farbenfrohen „Up Top – Dance!“  Video die Motivationshymne für alle Couch-Potatoes:

We asked our friend and collaborator Kaitlyn Ramsden to interpret ‚Up Top‘ as a storied dance Piece.
She embraced the song’s energy, channelling incessant grooves and lush vocals into playful choreography and a captivating visual palette.
The story follows the lives of seven individuals as they are rocked out of their typical routines into a fervour of dance.”



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16.10.2017 – Berlin, Badehaus

17.10.2017 – Köln, Studio 672


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